Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dia 6 - En Mexico!

Well, almost in Mexico... We kind of screwed up this morning. Asked the gal at the hotel what time we should croos the border; she said EARLY. So there we were going over the Rio Grande at 6:30 this morning - very light traffic, paid the toll to cross, hit the Mexiacan side and no one asked us to to stop so on we went, pleased as punch. Much to our chagrin, about an hour later we go stopped at a customs inspection station on the road to Tampico and the gentlemen their asked for our papers. What papers, we asked of him. Like, for your vehicle and your person. Of course we had none so he says you gotta go back to the bridge, which means back to the border. Turns us around and back we go to the border, only to have to pay the bridge toll again and reenter the US only to get inspected by the agents because we told the we had some pears we had picked up at the hotel for breakfast. Then back to the bridge only to pay the toll yet again and then taking about an hour and change to get our papers in order. Next time a little more investigation instead of jujst asking somebody...

So back on the road around 10 am in earnest. Very flat and agricultural in the beginning but the scenery changed to something I am more familiar with. Good thing was the roads were in great condition and faster than we expected. Out rip today was somewhat over 300 miles and the Internet said it would take about 9 hours! Well, we made it after our morning delay in about 6 hours - apparently speed limits here are merely suggestions, and noone seems to take the hint. Oh, and you need to learn how to drive on their roads quickly or you won't survive - luckily they build their roads basically three lanes wide so as to accomodate the constant passing that goes on.

We hit a long stretch that is just like an area near Jalapa - about 30 miles away named Jutiapa. Semi-arid in the dry season but quite nice this time of year. We also saw an area that hosted a number of palm trees, and one valley that had so many I swear it was a palm forest. Quite incredible and something we have never seen before.

The weather was fantastic today with long clear vistas this afternoon and a beautiful full moon this morning. Not a bad way to spend a day until... Twice we got pulled over by the cops at check points to have our papers checked. Mostly they want to make sure the vehicle isn't stolen. like we're gonna steal a 19 year old truck and drive it to Mexico... Ruth got a great video of one of these cops saying she was taking his picture because he was so 'guapo' (handsome). I am going to try and post it tonight but the internet connection is pretty slow here...

Pictures are of the last time Old Red was in the US this morning while warming up and some of the great wide open landscape of this part of Mexico...

Tomorrow off to... well we'll let you know then. Meantime, if you haven't donated yet please go to and make whatever donation you can for the folks in Jalapa. And for those of you that have donated, THANKS and spread the word to those that need to! Also, we are greatly encouraged having you log on as a follower, we want to have it as full as possible even for those who peek in.

Saludos, Don and Ruth

p.s. and isn't the Internet cool?!?!


  1. Buenas noches, dear ones! We're so glad that your border adventure came out well without an all-day wait. Thanks for the terrific pictures and your description of the palm "forest."

    We recall the dreaded center lane from our family trips. We bet that your interest in passing is pretty low. (A suggestion from Mom.)

    Dad is hoping that you've already found some good Mexican food.

    Love, Mom and Dad

  2. Don't drink the water! Stop signs...also just a suggestion there.

  3. Glad things are going well Don. I have enjoyed tracking your progress. Patrick (trial garden guy) is sitting by me and says "hi" too.
    Travel safe amigo!

  4. Great blog, Don. Glad all is going well...

    Jane and Glenn

  5. Happy Trails to You Don and Ruth! Jim has made a donation and says he'll see you Wednesday. Not being as adventurous, he's flying down!
    Jim & Di
